Sunday, October 25, 2009

My rating/labeling system

For each recipe that I post, I will be putting icons as a quick reference to the type of vegetarian that the recipe is.

There are five different types of vegetarian recipes that I'll be posting. These are the icons that go along with them, and what it means:

Photobucket Vegan. This means there are absolutely no animal products used in the recipe.

Photobucket Lacto-vegetarian. This means that dairy is the only animal product used in the recipe.

Photobucket Ovo-vegetarin. This means that egg is the only animal product used in the recipe.

Photobucket Lacto-ovo-vegetarian. This means there is egg and dairy but no other animal products in the recipe.

Photobucket Pesca-vegetarian. There is seafood, and possibly dairy and/or egg in the recipe.

There also be two rating scales at the end of each post for recipes. These will have a simple 1-5 scale as well as comments about why it got the rating. If anyone can think of other aspects of the dish they would like rated, please let me know and I'll see if I can add it!

Photobucket This is used to show how tasty the recipe is. This will be rated 1-5. 1 is the least tasty, and 5 is the most tasty.

Photobucket This is used to show the effort that went into the recipe. 1 is the easiest, 5 is the hardest.

The last icons that will be seen on the posts, are icons showing the expense of each recipe.

Photobucket This means that the ingredients for this recipe cost 10 dollars or less. Most recipes that I make will fall into this category because I am a broke college student! :)

Photobucket This means that the ingredients in the recipe cost between 11-20 dollars.

Photobucket This means that the ingredients in the recipe cost between 21-30 dollars.

Photobucket This means that the ingredients in the recipe cost over 30 dollars. It is highly unlikely that this icon will be used, but maybe some day I'll get an insane bonus or something and be able to afford some crazy expensive ingredients and go crazy. Its a good idea to have it just in case, right?

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